UUnction , n.; L. The act of anointing. An oil for anointing; a name usually applied to the Oil of the Sick, oleum infirmorum, used in the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. Uniat, n.; L. Erroneously used as a name for a Catholic belonging to one of the Eastern rites. The term is in disrepute and should not be used. Unigenitus, n.; L. Literally, one begotten or singly born. The Latin word applied to Jesus who was the only begotten Son of God the Father. Unity, n.; L., O.Fr. (1) Oneness; indivision. (2) Said of God because only one can possess in utter simplicity the fullness of all goodness and all perfection, one Being without limitation. (3) One of the marks of the Church, because all its members, according to the will of Christ, profess the same faith, practice the same form of worship, and are joined under a legitimate Roman Pontiff, the Pope, as the Vicar of Christ on earth and the head of the Church. Unleavened, adj.; L., O.Fr. Without yeast. Used with reference to the bread from which the hosts to be consecrated during the Mass are made. Unliturgical, adj.; Gr., L. Some phase or aspect of public worship which in some way is contrary to the liturgical prescriptions of the Church. Usury, n.; L. O.Fr. The gain or profit made from the lending of money; the lending of capital at interest, particularly an excessive interest. Today, in its more common use, the word has come to mean the unjust gain made by a loan of money. Utraquism, n.; L Communion under both species of bread and wine. |